Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chau Chile Part II

After 2.5 years in Chile it's time for me to conquer new territories and discover new amazing places in this world! Where am I going? Probably Brazil. What will I be doing there? Hopefully working and enjoying life (or the other way around???). As exciting these plans are, at the same time, they mean that it's time to say goodbye to a country that was my home for a really long time. Chile will always have a special place in my heart. I have met so many wonderful people here and I will miss every single one of them! Talking to a friend who is also about to leave Chile, it occurred to me that apart from that it's also the many little details, the little things, that made you feel at home - that you will miss.
Therefore, this blog goes out to the little Chilean things that I will miss:

- The Chilean accent (obvio-po)

- The WONDERFUL café and its cheesecakes

- Bandera street and all its second-hand stores


- Chilean wine

- Playing some random song by Americo and have 20 people on the street sing and dance along

- Sopaipillas

- My conserje, Don René, whose toothless smile greeted me every morning

- The mountains after a rainy day

- Valparaíso, mi amor

and many many more ...

Gracias chile y gracias a todos los Chilenos como a toda la gente maravillosa que conocí acá! Gracias por los tiempos lindos que he pasado con ustedes. Los voy a extrañar MUCHO, pero nunca los voy a olvidar!

Chau Chile Part 1

It's been a loooong time since my last blog entry and nooo, that doesn't have anything to do with my laziness (or just very little)! Mostly, I realized that there was only one month left for me in Chile (yes, after 2.5 years in Chile, I decided to pack my bags and hit the road again) and from then on everything has been pretty much a roller coaster ride. At first you think you have all the time in the world, it's still 3 more months before you leave and then, next thing you now, you have only 2 weeks left and don't even know where to begin. Plus, leaving in the month of September, I hadn't considered Chile's Independence Day (18th) - which means: for an entire month the whole country is paralyzed. Great for everybody else, for the two people in all of Santiago who need to take care of shots, visa regulations, get doctors appointments, sign finiquitos (if you have no idea what I am talking about, I am right with you there) ...
Anybody else might go crazy, pull out her hair, cry every time she hangs out with her friends 'cause it might be the last time, fight every day with the boyfriend but NOT ME (okay, me too- but don't tell anybody!)! Being the efficient German that I am, I have managed to put together a very useful to-do-list to help myself get organized before the trip:

I am really proud of my organizational skills! The rest of my "tasks" - writing articles, change money, sell my clothes, buy a backpack - should be a piece of cake after this!