Back in
Buenos Aires! Since I have seen most of the major sights in town,
this time around I have time to focus on the really important things,
pizza and fashion. While the pizza is just delicious, I am afraid I
can't say the same about the taste of the Porteñas. They seem to
have traveled back in time and came back with the worst of the 70s
and 80s.
short jeans
bottom jeans, crop tops and flowy hair – the 70s style could be
really inspiring but the Porteñas somehow got it all wrong. They
came out of the time machine with bell bottom jeans waaaay up their
ankles and plateau shoes that are about 3 stories high. Girls –
pleaaasseeee!!! If bell bottom jeans at all, never ever ever too
short!!! If they have to be the wrong length, always (always!!!) get
them too long! Haven't you ever watched the 70s show??!!
high plateau
then these plateau shoes!! I am having a scary High School déja-vu,
when ravers and techno fans were running around with murder
instruments on their feet and everybody but them thought it looked
80s became trendy a while ago. However, there are some things that
were never cool about the 80s. One of them are the hair dues. In
Buenos Aires, the exploded curls with the wet poodle fringe are back!
No, I am not kidding you! And to make matters worse: the high up
pony tale to the side is also very popular amongst Porteñas. I am
talking Bananarama, the Bangles and
Center Stage pony
tale. While I am still wondering what is so appealing about that “I
look like a teenager that visibly masticates a chewing gum look”, I
realize that the side pony tale comes with scrunchies! SCRUNCHIES!!!!
In every neon color from pink to orange! HELP! This is a major
fashion SOS – girls didn't you see the Sex
& The City
scrunchy episode? Scrunchies became a no-go in 1985!
So, dear Porteñas, please do me a favor:
As much as I love retro style, please get the does and don't right
and put your scrunchies back where they belong, in your embarrassing
things that I did as a teenager box!!!